What is a Keyword ?

Concerning Search Engine Optimization, keywords can be Single Keywords, Search Phrases, or Questions when typed into Google’s search bar.  

Keywords are the basis for attracting users to your website by targeting what they are actually searching for. 

The above image shows a keyword typed into Google and the related suggestions that Google thinks are relevant.

By understanding what your users/customers are looking for on Google, you can create SEO-optimized content that could ultimately solve their problems or just answer questions.

The process of finding such keywords or search phrases is known as Keyword Research. Every business must find profitable keywords as the most vital part of an SEO strategy. But the problem resolves around what type of keywords are the best to opt for.

Types Of Keywords

Selecting the right keywords for your website is an important task and definitely cannot be overlooked. Keywords vary with the type of business and target audience. Finding profitable keywords is like looking for sea shells in the Sahara Desert. To understand how keywords work and the process to find them, you must know the types of keywords in the market.

Essentially there are 4 types of keywords when it comes to Digital Marketing:

1. Informational

If people are searching for anything informational or answers to specific questions, a guide, how-to stuff, and anything that requires short to in-depth explanation are known as informational intent. 

Informational keywords are the most traffic-generating ones that you can optimize for, with helpful content that solves users’ needs.

Also, these keywords are easier to rank and could be ranked with less or without backlinks.

For instance, informational keywords can be:

  • How to make a pizza at home?
  • How to make a pizza at home?
  • Are washing machines waterproof?
  • Why do snakes shed their skin?

2. Navigational

A keyword is said to be “navigational” when users search for a specific entity such as brand name, domain name, address, etc. on search engines. Such keywords bring in a targeted audience looking for specific brands’ products or services. 

 But remember navigational searches only happen to brands or popular websites and not everyone can benefit from this. For this, you can do brand marketing for your business with Google Ads and track results for 6 months. 

For instance, Navigational Keywords can be:

  • Dominos
  • Semrush
  • Ahrefs
  • Starbucks

3. Commercial

Keywords are said to be commercial when people search for phrases relating to the purchase of products or services. These customers are ready to buy something on the internet and are looking for the most suitable options. 

These keywords are extremely profitable. Users searching for such keywords are prospective customers that can easily be converted into sales. Such keywords are also known as the “Early Research Phase” of a customer.

For Example, Commercial Keywords Can Be:

  • Best Laptops under 50000
  • Best Smartphones for Students
  • Best Washing Machines under 30000
  • Best Coffee Machines for Home
  • SEO Company in India

4. Transactional

Searches that indicate a clear intention to purchase some product or a software service on a website after the research phase, are known as Transactional Keywords.

Such keywords are profitable for B2-B businesses. Generally, these types of keywords have low to medium search volume, but are, extremely profitable if targeted right with good SEO.

For example, Transactional Keywords can be:

  • Best Laptops Buy
  • Buy Online Business
  • Apps to getting Money Fast
  • Teachable Features

How were people searching before Google?

Before Google and other search engines, people used to search by visiting public libraries. Asking for information over a telephone call was the norm. People sought the help of experts by mailing them a postcard that contained all the questions at once. 

Source: New York Public Library

Computers were being used in the libraries, but it was very rare. It contained loads of information that was unorganized and not easily accessible. People had to search for information by scanning all the pages and it consumed a lot of time.

How are people search information today?

With the evolution of search engines and particularly Google the quest for information has gotten easier. Anyone on the planet can search for information and get instantaneous results. 

Source: Similarweb

The above image shows the 10 most popular keywords searched in 2021. Now people search for things regarding sports, celebrities, events, games, controversies, medicines, health issues, stock prices, oil prices, exam results, and much more. Moreover, people’s everyday searches include weather, news, directions, phone numbers, addresses, coupons, etc. 

Above are the recently searched keywords or queries asked on Google, according to Google Trends. 

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