Ranking Factors That Effect SEO : Part 3

In Part 2 of the “Ranking Factors that Effect SEO” we got to know the important factors and practices to implement on the content of a page such as Title Tag, Meta Description, Header Tags, Content-Length, LSI Keywords, and Page Speed.

In this post, we will be covering 10 more Page Level Factors to implement in your content.

21.Use of AMP

AMP is a technology that allows displaying of multiple similar extracts of content on a horizontal axis. 

AMP is not a direct ranking factor but this can be extremely useful if you are targeting the mobile version of Google News Carousel.

But AMP signals can be used as quality signals by Google. Here’s what John Mueller said about AMP:

22. Entity Match

If the content on a page is authentic and matches the ‘entity’ for which users are searching, then that page can get a boost in rankings on the first page of Google.

This can also be categorized as Search Intent. A piece of content that satisfies the search intent always wins on Google’s Search Engine Results Page.

Here are the 4 types of search intent laid out by SEMRUSH:

23. Hummingbird Update

Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm update is considered to be the complete rewrite of the core algorithm. This is the biggest update that has ever happened on Google that shook almost every website on the planet.

But thanks to this that helped SEOs understand to go above and beyond ‘keywords’ and target topics that users search for in the search bar of Google.

24.Duplicate Content

If your website has the same content ever with some minor changes on multiple pages then it’s a technical issue and negatively affects search rankings. Make sure to audit your website using Ahrefs or Sumrush to check if there’s any duplicate content. 

Some websites have to have duplicate content but make sure that it does not affect your rankings.  You can read this content by Google to know more. You may use this tool for a free checkup.


Let’s assume you have some important pages with duplicate content. To bypass this error you can use canonical tags and probably avoid Google’s manual penalty.

If using WordPress you may use the Yoast plugin to canonicalize the duplicate pages. 

26.Image Optimization

Images are the best way to engage users on your website with visually appealing photos. Photos explain much more than the content itself. 

For Google’s Algorithm, make sure to add keyword-rich titles, descriptions, captions, file names, and most importantly alt tags to your images.

You can check out Google’s original take on image optimization

27.Content Recency

According to Google’s caffeine update the content is best served when it is updated regularly. 

This can be crucial for the update sensitive searches and the content must be updated on a regular basis such as Gold Price, Silver Price, Share Price, Lottery Winners, Betting Sites, Technology Websites, etc. 

28.The magnitude of Content Updates

Content updates do not mean adding in more content, fixing some errors, changing photos, and fixing grammatical mistakes. Changing a considerable block of outdated content can result in a boost in rankings and contributes to a ‘freshness factor for the search engines.

Make sure to videos to the ‘how-to’ content and constantly introduce new concepts to the existing articles on your website. In the below image you can see the recently updated content ranks above everybody in the search results.

You may visit our SEO Company In India page which is updated every now and then. 

29.Historical Page Updates

Historical Page Updates simply mean the frequency of updates on a specific page or URL. It can be days, weeks, months, or even years that Google may consider as the history page update of a website. 

It’s advised to have a set frequency to update your content. Make sure the updating happens on a consistent basis and does not break the frequency you have decided.

30.Keyword Prominence

You may already know this, but are confused with the term “Keyword Prominence” right? 

In simple language, Keyword Prominence means the inclusion of the primary/target keyword in the first paragraph of a web page. 

Make sure keywords are in the first 100 words of your content.

Read Part 4 of the Ranking Factors That Affect SEO

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