Ranking Factors That Effect SEO : Part 2

In the previous blog post, we talked about factors that are related to the domain of a website. This is just the beginning of a website. In this post, we will talk about Page Level Factors that Affect rankings for a website.

Page Level Factors

Page Level Factors refer to the On-Page factors that influence the rankings with respect to content and overall visuals on a page.

These factors can be controlled and must be on par with the basic and latest On-Page tactics in the SEO industry.

There are 56 Page Level Factors that directly affect the rankings for a web page on Google’s Search Engine Results Page.

10. Keyword in Title Tag/Meta Title

Title Tags are extremely important for On-Page SEO. Some SEOs argue that it does not help completely, but It’s better to have keywords in the title tag for two reasons:

  • It becomes easy for users to find ascertain what the web page is about.
  • Helps Google’s Algorithm to figure out the keywords a page is trying to rank.

11. Title Tag Starts with the keyword.

It is good On-Page SEO practice to include keywords at the beginning of Title Tags. 

Through extensive testing, we have found that keywords at the beginning of meta titles perform better than those at the end.

 This is not a bold claim but a suggestion to highlight keywords at the start of a Title Tag.

12. Keywords in Meta Description

Keywords in the meta description can be as important as keywords in Title Tags. Keywords in the meta description help increase Click Through Rates which is a ranking factor. 

But, according to Google, keywords in the Meta Description are not a ranking factor. Does it mean not to include any keywords in the meta description? No, with years of ranking websites we have seen it definitely working.

13. Keywords in H1 Tag

H1 tags are considered the “next Title Tags”. You may have noticed that Google uses H1 tags as Title Tags even though your code has a set ‘Title Tag’. This cannot be explained but Google chose to replace H1 tags with the Title Tag. 

I advise keeping H1 tags similar to Title Tags just to be safe if in case Google tries to replicate H1s for Meta Titles.

Here is an example for the title tag “Best Web Design & Website Development Company in Bangalore | Best Web Designers in Bangalore – Percoyo

14. TF-IDF

TF-IDF is an abbreviation for “Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency”. This is basically machine learning technology that Google uses to determine the frequency of keywords repeated in a document. 

As a general rule of thumb, “the more a keyword appears on a web page the more likely the page is about that keyword”. 

15. Content-Length

Content-Length or word count matters in SEO. Content with more words tends to cover more information about a topic. 

Long-form content does not mean adding fluff but covering the topic in depth with images, videos and more H2s that add are relevant to the primary topic. 

The average word count on Google’s first page results contains about 1447 words. To practically implement, add the word count of the first 5 results on Google for the keyword you target and divide it by the same. A study shows longer content gets more backlinks.

16. Table of Contents

“Table of contents” is really helpful for blog posts. It acts as an index for the content users are looking for, in an article. This also indicates Google about the content on a webpage and results in site links.

17. LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) Keywords

LSI keywords are the variations or many ways a keyword can be said. This helps search engines identify relevant keywords and rank for more keywords. 

Semantic keywords are better for ranking posts because they bring in loads of traffic upon different searches on Google.

LSI keywords also indicate quality content on a web page. And make sure to add relevant LSI keywords in your H2 headings.

18. LSI Keywords in Title and Description Description

LSI keywords are highly beneficial when included in Title Tag and Meta Description. This indicates to search engines the relevance of the page so that the page can rank high in the SERPs. This can be easily done by adding a bar between your primary keyword and semantically related keywords in Title Tag.

Here is an example: SEO Company in India| SEO Services India

19. In-Depth Topic Coverage

As an SEO you may have noticed that not every article is about 5000 words or more. And the ones that have in-depth content of about 5000-10000 tend to rank consistently in the top 3 because they are useful. 

Just use more questions as H2 Headings that your audience may have while crafting a piece of content.

Source: Backlinko

20. Page Speed

Page Speed is an important factor in technical SEO and ranking for competitive keywords. Google has made it clear that web pages must load fast and it’s better for a website to pass the core web vitals. 

You can check your website’s speed by visiting PageSpeed Insights.

Read Part 3 of the Ranking Factors That Affect SEO

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