What Aspects Of A Hyperlink Are Not Important For SEO?

Links play a very important role in search engine optimization (SEO). Inbound links, outbound links, and internal links are foundations for SEO. However, there are some aspects of hyperlinks that can be ignored. This article will discuss what aspects of a hyperlink are not crucial for SEO.

Hyperlink helps build connections between web pages. In search web, each and every website is linked to one or other websites. This is how link building works in terms of SEO. They determine the path of how a user should move between pages. These hyperlinks can be in the form of images, texts, etc.

What is Hyperlink in SEO?

There are so many things as a user we search on the internet. Did you know that these queries cannot be accessible until and unless there are hyperlinks? Inbound links are some of the important ranking factors that are considered by Google.
What Aspects Of A Hyperlink Are Not Important For SEO

Search engines give preferences to websites that have relevant inbound links. Having good content and inbound links will contribute to page rankings. Therefore, hyperlinks play an important role in SEO.

SEO Link Definitions

There are different types of SEO Links. They are as follows:

  1. Text Links
  2. Inline Links
  3. Internal Links
  4. Image Links
  5. Anchor Links

Text Links
Text links are the links that are clickable on the text. These links can be used to navigate to different sites.

Inline Links
Inline links are the links that come from another website to your website. Inline links are also known as hotlinks or leeching.

Internal Links
Internal links are the links that take you from one webpage to another page within the website. For example, from your homepage to different pages.

Image Links
Image Links are the links that can lead you to a different website. That is, the links are placed on the image and when you try to click on the image it shows you the website it will take you to.

Anchor Links
Anchor links are the links that take you from one place to another place on the same document.

Why do Links Matter for SEO?

All the above-mentioned links help improve the site’s SEO. The more the links are pointing to your website, the more important is your website in the eyes of search engines. If more links are crawled by Google it means that your website is an authoritative source.

Amongst all the hyperlinks, inbound links are the most important for SEO. The process of building inbound links to improve the scoring of the website is called link building.

Some aspects of hyperlinks that are not important for SEO

In order to improve the score of SEO, there are some mistakes that can be made which can hurt your website’s SEO. Any factor that affects the user’s experience should be avoided.
Hyperlinks not important for SEO
Artificial Inbound Links
Good inbound links are required to build an authoritative score for your website. If you are using any form of black hat SEO technique then Google will eventually find and will penalize your site. In order to prevent this, it is always better to work towards natural link building.

Therefore, you will have to create very high-quality content wherein you can generate quality backlinks.

Adding No Follow tags to all Outbound Links
Most of the pages on the websites have outbound links. It takes the user to high-quality websites that can be useful to the user. Also, there is a belief among SEO experts that some amount of link juice is passed to the website they are linking to.

This is the reason that many SEOs add a nofollow tag in the outbound links. Even though they are good initially but in the long run they look unnatural and affect the page rank. The right thing to do is to find a perfect balance between dofollow and nofollow links.

Good quality outbound links
Creating external links is a very important aspect of SEO. However, you should always keep in mind that you link to high-quality websites. Because only if you link to high-quality sites, do you also get backlinks from such high-quality sites.

Therefore, your focus should be on creating internal links, high-quality outbound links, and high-quality inbound links. Because focusing on these high-quality links will fetch you overall good SEO results.

Conclusion to What aspects of a hyperlink is not important for SEO

In conclusion, hyperlinks are used in almost every website on the internet. If these links are not used properly, there will be instances when you will see a drop in rankings. If you own a website and you are looking for an agency to do your SEO. Then, we at Percoyo are here to help you out.

Percoyo offers the best SEO services in Bangalore. We are located in Bangalore. You can call us at +91 7676722000 or you can fill out the form below. One of our experts will call you and will guide you through the process.

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