What is CTR on Google’s SERP?

Google dominates the search market and accounts for almost 86% of the searches made on the internet. Considering the fact that Google is the largest search engine it gets nearly 4 billion users and 246 million unique visitors in the United States alone. It is also the most prominent traffic driver for E-Commerce websites.

Whenever a user searches for a query/keyword, Google puts out a wide range of results, including Advertisements, Features Snippets, Google Pack 3 results, Organic Websites, Knowledge panels, Videos, Images, People Also Ask Questions, News, and other results. 

We have presented data from Google’s Search Engine Results Page for specific keywords and practically demonstrated the Click Through Rate each result gets. 

In this post, we have shown the CTR a page gets for a specific keyword and then elaborated more in the form of tables. 

For further analysis, we have crumbled the CTR for every result that you can find on the SERP such as snippets, knowledge panel, People Also Ask Boxes, and Google Business Profiles.

The above image shows the Click-Through Rates for the search term customer data platform which includes 2 Google Advertisements and 4 Organic results on the SERP.

This particular SERP has both organic and paid results but no other special elements such as maps or snippets.

Note: The above table shows the CTR for 4 advertisements and 10 organic searches on a SERP. (** If snippet, then 27.1% and * If snippet, then 43.7% )

Click-Through Rate with respect to Google SERP Elements

Below is a table representing Click Through Rate for a common element found on Google’s Search Engine Results Page. These elements are subject to specific keywords that trigger Google’s Algorithm. 

Note: This table shows the elements only under Google’s ‘All’ Category and not other categories such as images, videos, maps, finance, etc.

Click Through Rates with respect to Google Business Profile

Nowadays Google Business Profile or Google My Business are mixed up with Maps and can be both Organic and Paid results.

Here is what the Top Of Page Local Ads Look like:

Here is the organic GBP Local Pack result for the keyword “iPhone repair in Bangalore” 

A decade-long question “What is the best Organic CTR?” always pops us in SEO forums. The simple answer is “It Depends” and with your help, here are 5 ways to improve your organic Click-Through Rate:

1. Identification of Low CTR pages

This technique is often overlooked. You can simply visit, your search engine console, click on the performance, and look at the average CTR. Then remember to click on the individual queries that have lower CTR than the average CTR of the entire website.

In the below example the average CTR of the site is 1.4% and look out for the queries with low CTR and high impressions.

2. Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword Cannibalization refers to a situation when multiple pages are targeting the same keyword. This diverges the CTR and no specific page gets organic clicks. 

You must scan for such keywords using Ahrefs or any SEO tool and find out all the duplicate title pages, Then make sure one topic/keyword is targeted for one page only.

3. Title Tag Optimization

This technique has been around for years, but not every webmaster uses it to the best extent. When you are already ranking on the first page of Google and desire to rank in the top 3 then you must optimize your title tags by Including Clickbait terms such as best, top, read now, etc. to boost your CTR.

4. Descriptive URLs

Descriptive URLs are not a major CTR factor but can be the reason why your pages are getting less clicked. Make sure to check the permalink on your WordPress settings and change it to ‘postname’ as you see in the image below. Apart from this, make sure to remove any words such as A, A, The, And, etc.

Example: If the page is about the best plugins for WordPress then the URL should be


5.Meta Description Optimization

You must optimize your meta description for your users. Make sure that it is appealing and contains the target keywords in the beginning. This makes the users want more to click your website in the SERP than others.

Here is an example of the keyword SEO Company in India:

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